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Whatuwhiwhi Wastewater Treatment Plant Resource Consent Renewal

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Tender Closed
RFx ID : 29361814
Tender Name : Whatuwhiwhi Wastewater Treatment Plant Resource Consent Renewal
Reference # :
Open Date : Wednesday, 8 May 2024 12:30 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Monday, 10 June 2024 3:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Tender Type : Request for Proposals (RFP)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 80000000 - Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services
  • 81000000 - Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services
  • Northland
Exemption Reason : None
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Simone Elsmore
Alternate Physical Delivery Address  :
Alternate Physical Fax Number  :
Agency Address :

Far North District Council owns and operates the Whatuwhiwhi Wastewater Treatment Plant (W-WWTP) located off Inland Road on the Karikari Peninsula. The W-WWTP receives wastewater from the Whatuwhiwhi and Tokerau Beach communities. Wastewater is treated via a ponds and wetlands based system before being discharged to a drain that connects to the Waimango swamp and finally a lagoon at Karikari beach.

FNDC hold two existing consents:
- AUT.007203.02.02 to discharge treated wastewater to land
- AUT.007203.03.02 to discharge contaminants to air

Both consents expire on 30 November 2025 and FNDC is seeking replacement consents to allow for the continued operation of the W-WWTP. Applications for the replacement consents must be lodged 6 months prior to 30 November 2025 to ensure FNDC can continue to legally operate the W-WWTP while a decision is being made.

We require an experienced and reputable consultant to carry out tasks necessary to complete and lodge a comprehensive application for resource consent, including:
- a detailed review of all relevant planning documentation to determine all resource consent requirements and other authorisations which are required.
- the development of a detailed consenting strategy.
- preparation of a communications plan to align with the stakeholder engagement plan.
- preparation of an assessment of environmental effects (AEE), to include, water quality and public health risk assessments, air quality (odour) assessment, flood hazard risk, any other technical inputs required to obtain consent, and a comrehensive record of consultation.
- options and recommendations to ensure the best practicable option is adopted to ensure any adverse effects are controlled.

RFx Outcome

This tender has been awarded.

  • WSP NZ Ltd Whangarei - 125A Bank Street, Whangarei, Whangarei, Whangarei, 0110, NEW ZEALAND

Award Date: Wednesday, 14 August 2024 (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Date RFx was completed/updated: Monday, 19 August 2024 4:59 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)