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Providing Technology Applications and Services for Tamaki


Tender Closed
Tender Cancelled
RFx ID : 14504705
Tender Name : Providing Technology Applications and Services for Tamaki
Reference # :
Open Date : Thursday, 30 July 2015 12:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Thursday, 27 August 2015 4:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Tender Type : Request for Proposals (RFP)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 43231500 - Business function specific software
  • 43231600 - Finance accounting and enterprise resource planning ERP software
  • 43232300 - Data management and query software
  • 43232600 - Industry specific software
  • New Zealand
Exemption Reason : None
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Deanna Hackney
Alternate Physical Delivery Address  : 244 Apirana Ave, Glen Innes, Auckland
Alternate Physical Fax Number  :

This request for proposal has been issued by the Tāmaki Redevelopment Company Limited. The aim of Tāmaki Redevelopment Company Limited (TRC) in this process is to seek and obtain proposals from organisations who are interested in making an offer for the supply either Applications systems or Services that would be suitable for the establishment of a community housing provider. As part of this RFP process, TRC may choose to pre-qualify suitable consultants to assist with future projects.

It is essential and TRC view it as a mandatory requirement that responses to this RFP must be from providers who have evidence of providing similar systems/services to social housing providers in similar sized organisations. If your organisation has not provided systems or services in this environment previously then TRC may set your proposal aside without review.

On 13 April 2015, Cabinet agreed to accelerate regeneration activities in the Tāmaki area of Auckland through giving enhanced responsibilities and resources to the Tāmaki Redevelopment Company. In the context of this transition plan Cabinet agreed that Housing New Zealand Corporation (HNZC) current Tāmaki properties, and related tenancy and property management services would be transferred to TRC by 31 March 2016. In practical terms this will entail the transfer of tenancy and property management services for social homes in Tāmaki (for approximately 2,800 homes and 8,000 tenants), from HNZC to TRC.

With this in mind, TRC is now in position to accelerate the introduction of systems and solutions to support the delivery of Community Housing services to the Tāmaki area. It should be noted that these need to be implemented prior to 31 March 2016.

2.1 TRC seeks responses from experienced providers of Housing Management Services/Solutions/Systems who can provide a system/service to enable TRC to manage the 2800 properties and more than 8000 tenants that will be its responsibility from the 31st of March 2016. TRC does not have a preferences as to whether this system is managed internally or provided externally or as a service by a provider.