Tender Closed
RFx ID : | 31188488 |
Tender Name : | SH29 Omanawa Bridge Replacement: Construction Contract Management Service - Notice of Information and Registration |
Reference # : | 11780 |
Open Date : | Monday, 3 March 2025 2:30 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) |
Close Date : | Friday, 7 March 2025 5:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) |
Department/Business Unit : | NZ Transport Agency - Highways and Network Operations |
Tender Type : | Registration of Interest (ROI) |
Tender Coverage : | Sole Agency [?] |
Categories : |
Regions: |
Required Pre-qualifications : | None |
Contact : |
Tender Secretary - Rachel MacKay tender@nzta.govt.nz |
Alternate Physical Delivery Address : | |
Alternate Physical Fax Number : | |
Agency Address : | NEW ZEALAND |
Related Tenders: |
This Notice of Information (NOI) is intended to all consultants that possesses a current, or will possess at time of tender, NZTA Engineer to Contract Accreditation Level 2 and above, and are willing to operate in the Tauriko, Tauranga area.
We invite you to review the attachment to the NOI and provide your feedback on the upcoming procurement for SH29 Omanawa Bridge Replacement: Construction Contract Management Service. Particularly, we would like to know if you will be interested in participating in the tender.
This NOI provides high-level project information ahead of the tender which will be advertised separately. This notice is provided as an early indication only of the contract scope and will not form part of any future tender documents or contract documents.
NZTA wishes to appoint an Independent Certifier (IC) and a Contract Administrator (CA) under NZS3910:2023 to assist with the procurement of a construction contractor, manage the contractor and contract during construction. We expect the IC and CA to be appointed in May 2025, before procurement of the contractor begins in June 2025. Site work is planned to commence in October 2025.
SH29 Omanawa Bridge Replacement project at a glance:
- The first project under the National Roads of Significance (RoNS) programme to progress to construction, designing to the RoNS Engineering standard.
- Construction of a new 2-lane bridge and State Highway 29, on a new alignment, between its intersections with Omanawa Road and Belk Road.
- Some alignment correction and safety improvement at Omanawa Road / SH29 intersection.
- This project is key to the Long-Term Plan for the larger Tauriko West (RoNS) project.
- Beca is the Designer and will carry out surveillance and quality assurance during construction.
- Fletcher Construction and HEB Construction have been shortlisted to develop the design collaboratively with Beca. They will compete for the construction contract to deliver the project.
Please provide your response via GETS
NOTE: This is NOT the commencement of a tender process or a registration of interest to tender.
Requesting the project information in no way holds NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi to include the requestor in any tender process.
Respondents should refer to the GETS website for instructions on uploading requests. https://www.gets.govt.nz/SupplierUserTenderHelp.htm
This tender has been completed.
Further information:
Please refer to the Request for Tender for the tendering phase of this contract.
GETS RFX 31302933
Date RFx was completed/updated:
Monday, 24 March 2025 8:56 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00)