Tender Closed
RFx ID : | 22210942 |
Tender Name : | Gym Equipment, Gym Consumables, Maintenance and Servicing |
Reference # : | rfx_1913 |
Open Date : | Friday, 31 January 2020 3:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) |
Close Date : | Thursday, 19 March 2020 2:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) |
Department/Business Unit : | Procurement |
Tender Type : | Request for Proposals (RFP) |
Tender Coverage : | Sole Agency [?] |
Categories : |
Regions: |
Exemption Reason : | None |
Required Pre-qualifications : | None |
Contact : |
Karen De Lew dcs@nzdf.mil.nz |
Alternate Physical Delivery Address : | |
Alternate Physical Fax Number : | |
Agency Address : |
New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) wishes to engage with a single Supplier or Suppliers to deliver “commercial grade” gymnasium equipment, consumables (Sports and General Fitness Equipment, e.g resistance bands and tennis balls) and maintenance (Services) for the benefit, health and wellbeing of military Personnel.
The agreement terms will be based on a partnership arrangement where the Supplier/s and NZDF will work together to ensure the required standards are met in relation to the gymnasium equipment, gymnasium consumables and maintenance standards provided. Both parties will have specific responsibilities and deliverables as part of a negotiated agreement/s.
We envisage the Agreement will be for an initial period of three years with provision for two subsequent rights of renewal, of two years each.
This RFP and Agreement will be closed syndicated to enable selected eligible Government Agencies to procure Products under the Agreement.
Please note that this tender, and all documentation related to it, is only available on NZDF’s SmartProcure website: https://nzdf.bravosolution.com
Suppliers must logon to SmartProcure to access the tender and submit a response. Registration is simple and free, just click “Register Now”. If you require assistance this is available by email to dcs@nzdf.mil.nz
All enquiries regarding this tender must be in writing through NZDF's SmartProcure message system. NZDF will endeavour to respond in writing to written enquires within two working days.
Questions are encouraged and you may request that they are kept confidential providing that they are commercially sensitive. NZDF reserves the right to provide supplementary information to all Tenderers should a confidential question highlight a point requiring clarification to other Tenderers.
No Winner Contract awarded to Johnston Health Tech New Zealand Limited