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Provision of an integrated navigational warning service, including production of S-124 Navigational Warning products


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 29714496
Tender Name : Provision of an integrated navigational warning service, including production of S-124 Navigational Warning products
Reference # : PAN_MNZ_0690
Open Date : Thursday, 4 July 2024 12:30 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Friday, 19 July 2024 5:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Department/Business Unit : Maritime New Zealand
Tender Type : Request for Information (Market research) (RFI)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 25000000 - Commercial and Military and Private Vehicles and their Accessories and Components
  • 41000000 - Laboratory and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment
  • 43000000 - Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications
  • 78000000 - Transportation and Storage and Mail Services
  • New Zealand
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Olivia Tuatoko
Alternate Physical Delivery Address  :
Alternate Physical Fax Number  :
Agency Address :

The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI), is to request information from suppliers about their experience and ability to produce S-124 Navigational Warning products and provide a solution for integrating these new products with the existing navigational warning service provided by Maritime New Zealand. [These existing services meet New Zealand’s international obligations to [provide a navigational warning service] and the new product will support the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) E-Navigation Strategy (MSC.1/Circ.1595).

This RFI is a tool to support the development of a business case to produce S-124 Navigational Warnings and provide a solution for integrating these new products with the existing navigational warning service provided by Maritime New Zealand.

RFx Outcome

This tender has been completed.

Date RFx was completed/updated: Friday, 26 July 2024 12:11 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)