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ROI - Main Building Contractor for Arahoe School - Blocks 2 & 10 Toilet Refurbishments


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 29842573
Tender Name : ROI - Main Building Contractor for Arahoe School - Blocks 2 & 10 Toilet Refurbishments
Reference # : 5YA No 1206-24-09
Open Date : Thursday, 1 August 2024 9:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Thursday, 22 August 2024 5:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Department/Business Unit : Board of Trustees - Approve by BoT - ie. School Principal
Tender Type : Registration of Interest (ROI)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 72000000 - Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
  • Auckland
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : All submissions to be made through the GETS website.
Alternate Physical Delivery Address  : All submissions to be made through the GETS website.
Alternate Physical Fax Number  : All submissions to be made through the GETS website.
Agency Address : NEW ZEALAND

Block 2 - Stand alone toilet block end of life, requiring full refurbishment to each of the boys and girls pupil toilets
Block 10 - 2 toilet areas end of life - requiring full refurbishment to each of the boys and girls pupil toilets. Assess for asbestos.

RFx Outcome

This tender has been completed.

Date RFx was completed/updated: Monday, 9 September 2024 10:18 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)