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All of Government Fleet Management services contract


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 29395307
Tender Name : All of Government Fleet Management services contract
Reference # :
Open Date : Q2 2024
Indicative RFx Release Date  : Q3 2024  [?]
Department/Business Unit : New Zealand Government Procurement and Property
Tender Type : Future Procurement Opportunity (FPO)
Project Status : Initial development  [?]
Categories :
  • 25101500 - Passenger motor vehicles
  • 25101700 - Safety and rescue vehicles
  • 25101900 - Specialized and recreational vehicles
  • 25170000 - Transportation components and systems
  • 25191700 - Vehicle servicing equipment
  • 25191800 - Vehicle testing and measuring equipment
  • 78111800 - Passenger road transportation
  • 78180000 - Transportation repair or maintenance services
  • New Zealand
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Nick Aitken
Related Tenders:

This is an advance notice to advise that New Zealand Government Procurement is planning a future procurement for an All of Government Fleet Management Services contract. This will include the provision of fleet management services, which Participating Agencies can access to ensure government vehicles are maintained and managed to a safe and operationally efficient standard. The current Government light vehicle fleet represents approximately 17,500 vehicles that could benefit from these services. We intend to release the RFP no later than 30 October 2024.