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River Berm Bait Station Contract

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Tender Closed
RFx ID : 29549210
Tender Name : River Berm Bait Station Contract
Reference # :
Open Date : Tuesday, 18 June 2024 4:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Friday, 19 July 2024 5:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Tender Type : Request for Proposals (RFP)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 70160000 - Wildlife and flora
  • Hawke's Bay
Exemption Reason : None
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Allan Beer
027 491 5087
Alternate Physical Delivery Address  :
Alternate Physical Fax Number  :
Agency Address :

The contractor will service all 4,425 bait stations previously set up within the following river berm corridors in Hawke’s Bay.
1. Esk River = 58 bait stations
2. Tutaekuri River = 370 bait stations
3. Ngaruroro River = 914 bait stations
4. Tukituki River = 1,905 bait stations
5. Waipawa River = 506 bait stations
6. Manganuku Stream = 254 bait stations
7. Tukipo River = 261 bait stations
8. Makaretu River = 157 bait stations

All 883 bait stations within this project that are within the Department of Conservation Estate will be serviced with Double Tap Pellet Bait, capped with ferafeed paste No 213 and where appropriate Feratox (3 to 5 pills per bait station)

All other bait stations (3,542) within this project will be serviced with Pestoff Hi-Strength Possum Bait, capped with ferafeed paste No 213, and where appropriate Feratox (3 to 5 pills per bait station).

The contractor will also need to replace any bait stations within this project that are showing signs of extensive wear and tear. Bait station brackets where necessary will need to be released from the tree.

HBRC will supply all replacement bait station as and when required.

The contractor will supply all materials for this project.
 Double Tap Pellet Baits,
 Pestoff Hi-Strength Possum Bait 213 Ferafeed Paste, Feratox
 as well as all poison signage

New Set Ups
Bait stations will be set up on the true left and right banks of the Waipawa river opposite Caldwell Road to the Makaroro and Wakarara Bridge

Bait stations will be set up on the true left and right banks of the Esk River from Waipunga road downstream to the river mouth.

New bait station set ups will be serviced with Pestoff Hi-Strength Possum Bait, capped with ferafeed paste No 213, and where appropriate Feratox (3 to 5 pills per bait station).

RFx Outcome

This tender has been awarded.

  • Rural Pest Services Ltd - 492, Main North Road, Napier, Select a State/Province, 4104, NEW ZEALAND

Further Award Information:
Can you send through a copy of your insurance thanks.

Award Date: Tuesday, 20 August 2024 (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Date RFx was completed/updated: Tuesday, 20 August 2024 11:36 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)