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1225_001 Waihi Main Street Streetlight Replacement Project


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 29752835
Tender Name : 1225_001 Waihi Main Street Streetlight Replacement Project
Reference # : 1225_001
Open Date : Q3 2024
Indicative RFx Release Date  : Q3 2024  [?]
Department/Business Unit : Project Management
Tender Type : Future Procurement Opportunity (FPO)
Project Status : Initial development  [?]
Indicative Total Value : $500K - $1M  [?]
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 30000000 - Structures and Building and Construction and Manufacturing Components and Supplies
  • 31000000 - Manufacturing Components and Supplies
  • 32000000 - Electronic Components and Supplies
  • 39000000 - Electrical Systems and Lighting and Components and Accessories and Supplies
  • Waikato
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : ***All communication should be done via the GETS Q&A portal, do not call or email***
Agency Address :

Hauraki District Council, within the 2024/25 year, will be replacing its heritage themed streetlights in the main street of Waihi township. These streetlights are a key feature of the main street area, and link to the mining heritage of the town. The new streetlights must include a new flag track system, and the streetlight poles and foundations must cater for the wind loading the flags create. In terms of quantity there are approximately 27 double and 16 single streetlights. We are seeking a supply and install contract for both the streetlights and the flag track system, that will include but is not limited to traffic management, foundations, and remedial work.

RFx Outcome

This tender has been completed.

Further information:
RFP will be released in the next couple of weeks

Date RFx was completed/updated: Thursday, 5 September 2024 9:57 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)