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FPO - Rissington Bridge Replacement


RFx ID : 31149811
Tender Name : FPO - Rissington Bridge Replacement
Reference # : P2025-370
Open Date : Q1 2025
Indicative RFx Release Date  : Q2 2025  [?]
Department/Business Unit : Assets - Transportation
Tender Type : Future Procurement Opportunity (FPO)
Project Status : Confirmed  [?]
Indicative Total Value : $10M - $25M  [?]
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 72101500 - Building maintenance and repair services
  • 72103300 - Infrastructure maintenance and repair services
  • 72141000 - Highway and road construction services
  • 72141100 - Infrastructure building and surfacing and paving services
  • Hawke's Bay
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : All Queries are to be submitted electronically through GETS - Responses to queries will be submitted through GETS

Future Procurement Opportunity
P2025-370 - Rissington Bridge Replacement Tenders are requested for the above contract which involves the construction 73m single hollow core two lane bridge at Rissington for Hastings District Council.

Tender documents will be available from the Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS) Any enquiries about this contract must be made via

Tenders are expected to be published by May 2025

Please allow sufficient time to upload your submission to GETS. For more information and help about submitting electronic responses please refer to the policies and information section on the GETS website

NB. Only tender submissions from tenderers pre-qualified for Prequal work group Bridge Construction Level A will be considered.


The TOTAL submitted file size must not exceed 50MB, regardless of the number of files submitted.
Price and non-price files should be uploaded as separate files and clearly marked as Price and Non-price.
Respondents should ensure sufficient time is allowed to upload the files to GETS prior to the tender closure date and time.

Respondents who are unable to meet all pre-conditions should conclude that they will not benefit from submitting Response.