RFx ID : | 31276105 |
Tender Name : | Earthworks, Civils and Heavy Machinery Panel RFP |
Reference # : | |
Open Date : | Monday, 17 March 2025 9:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) |
Close Date : | Wednesday, 16 April 2025 11:30 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00) |
Tender Type : | Request for Proposals (RFP) |
Tender Coverage : | Sole Agency [?] |
Categories : |
Regions: |
Exemption Reason : | None |
Required Pre-qualifications : | None |
Contact : |
GW Procurement tenders@gw.govt.nz |
Alternate Physical Delivery Address : | N/A |
Alternate Physical Fax Number : | N/A |
We want to establish a panel of suppliers who can deliver civil works, earthworks and heavy machinery hire across the greater Wellington region for our Environment Group and Metlink teams.
We are inviting suppliers who meet our preconditions to put forward regional service catalogues, reflective of the in-scope services they provide. The RFP scope for this panel is as follows.
• Earthworks and Civil Works. Aimed at medium-large suppliers, these services will accommodate small, one-off engagements through to large-scale programmes such as Metlink infrastructure improvements, flood protection, erosion control infrastructure and RiverLink. Note that the Metlink projects primarily relate to infrastructure across the bus regional networks rather than rail civil work within the KiwiRail rail corridor.
• Heavy Machinery Hire. Aimed at small-medium sized local wet and dry hire suppliers, these services will lend themselves to the Environment Group’s requirements.
The panel will be a five year maximum contract term from the commencement date with an initial term of three years with one, two-year right of renewal.
You can submit any questions about this RFP to GETS up until 4pm Friday 28th March 2025.The deadline for proposals to be submitted via GETS is 11:30am Wednesday 16 April.