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ROI for Contractors for BESS Balance of Plant Installation


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 29509207
Tender Name : ROI for Contractors for BESS Balance of Plant Installation
Reference # : GE-CT24-062 Restricted Tender
Open Date : Wednesday, 5 June 2024 9:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Wednesday, 19 June 2024 5:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Tender Type : Registration of Interest (ROI)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 30000000 - Structures and Building and Construction and Manufacturing Components and Supplies
  • 72000000 - Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
  • Waikato
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : John McDonald
Alternate Physical Delivery Address  :
Alternate Physical Fax Number  :
Agency Address : NEW ZEALAND

As part of our Gen35 strategy, investment will be made into solar, grid scale battery storage and wind that will help grow Genesis’ renewable portfolio to around 8,300 GWh. In supporting this we are looking to engage with contractors with scale and capability to deliver the installation of our first stage of a grid scale battery energy storage system (BESS).

Genesis is looking for credible providers who have the capability, experience and infrastructure to support delivery of the BESS at Huntly. They need to have a good track record in the management and implementation of complex programmes of work and management of multi disciplinary sub contractors in civil, high and low voltage electrical services.

RFx Outcome

This tender has been completed.

Date RFx was completed/updated: Tuesday, 9 July 2024 12:40 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)