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Clutha District Council Future Procurement Opportunities


RFx ID : 29813717
Tender Name : Clutha District Council Future Procurement Opportunities
Reference # :
Open Date : Q3 2024
Indicative RFx Release Date  : Q3 2024  [?]
Tender Type : Future Procurement Opportunity (FPO)
Project Status : Initial development  [?]
Categories :
  • 72141000 - Highway and road construction services
  • 83101500 - Water and sewer utilities
  • Otago
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Infrastructure Strategy and Delivery Team
0800 801 350

This is a preliminary notice of future Requests for Tender that the Clutha District Council will be offering soon:

Milton-Tokoiti Water Network Extension – Extension of the existing network.
Category - 83101500 Water and Sewer. Indicative tender date: 9 September

Balclutha Streetscape - Clutha Hub Car Park – sealing the carpark area.
Category – 72141000 Highway and road construction services. Indicative tender date: 24 September

Tuapeka West Heathcote Reservoir upgrade and Richardson Oakleigh Road Reservoir upgrade - replace existing tanks. Category - 83101500 Water and Sewer. Indicative tender date: Tanks - 19 August, Civil and Piping – 23 September.

Balclutha Stormwater Network Renewal – Gormack Street to be renewed. Indicative tender date: 12 September.
Category - 83101500 Water and Sewer

Balclutha Pump Station Renewals
Category - 83101500 Water and Sewer. Indicative tender date: 18 November

Footpath kerbs and channel – Category 72141000 Highway and road construction. Indicative tender date: 1 October