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Market Briefing for Auckland Public Transport Bus Services


Tender Closed
RFx ID : 25937893
Tender Name : Market Briefing for Auckland Public Transport Bus Services
Reference # :
Open Date : Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:30 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Friday, 24 June 2022 5:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Tender Type : Notice of Information (Advance Notice) (NOI)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC)
  • International
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : Neil Wilkins
Agency Address :

The purpose of this notice is to advise interested parties that Auckland Transport (AT) will be providing a market briefing on the upcoming opportunities for Auckland Public Transport Bus Services.

The briefing will be held on Tuesday 28th June at 1.30pm NZ time

This will be an in person and online briefing to parties with interest in the Auckland Transport Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) Bus procurement Programme ahead of the initial procurement commencing in September 2022.

Companies who have not already expressed interest in the briefing should complete the following Company and invitation details and email our Point of Contact to register your interest and attendance.

The deadline for registering for the briefing is Friday 24th June 5:00 pm with invitations to follow.

RFx Outcome

This tender has been completed.

Further information:
Completed by system

Date RFx was completed/updated: Friday, 24 June 2022 11:55 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)