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Advance tender notice and invitation to provide input for new Vehicle Modification Service contract


RFx ID : 30026561
Tender Name : Advance tender notice and invitation to provide input for new Vehicle Modification Service contract
Reference # : VEHM2025
Open Date : Wednesday, 21 August 2024 11:00 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+12:00)
Close Date  : Saturday, 30 November 2024 5:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00)
Tender Type : Notice of Information (Advance Notice) (NOI)
Tender Coverage : Sole Agency  [?]
Categories :
  • 25101500 - Passenger motor vehicles
  • 25101900 - Specialized and recreational vehicles
  • 25170000 - Transportation components and systems
  • 25180000 - Vehicle bodies and trailers
  • 78111800 - Passenger road transportation
  • 78180000 - Transportation repair or maintenance services
  • 85000000 - Healthcare Services
  • Auckland
  • Bay of Plenty
  • Canterbury
  • Chatham Islands
  • Gisborne
  • Hawke's Bay
  • Manawatu-Wanganui
  • Marlborough
  • Nelson
  • Northland
  • Otago
  • Southland
  • Taranaki
  • Tasman
  • Waikato
  • Wellington
  • West Coast
Required Pre-qualifications : None
Contact : -

ACC is currently working collaboratively with vehicle modifiers to draft a new service specification for the purchase and modification of disability vehicles. The current Vehicle Modification Service contract expires on the 30 June 2025. A tender for the new contract will be released on GETS in November 2024, and the service will commence on 1 July 2025.

Invitation to participate

We invite New Zealand-based companies who modify vehicles for disabled people to participate in the design of the service and the service specification (contract). This is the second invitation to participate in the service design.

By collaboratively designing the service specifications (including service pricing) with the sector, the need to negotiate purchasing related contract terms during the tender process is removed. Please see the attachment for the proposed purchasing model.

ACC is seeking feedback from suppliers to determine a fair and appropriate % markup and labour rate that will be set in the service schedule for the upcoming tender, and any other feedback on the terms of the service schedule.

If your business is interested in contributing to the service design process for modified disability vehicles, please contact Carol Krishnan via the following email . This invitation closes on 31 August 2024 5pm.